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Posted by on 2013/04/05 under Uncategorized

well, it is said that crush only lasts less than 6 months. so… this is not a crush anymore. I’ve been having feelings for him for almost 2 years.
he’s one of my guy best friend. I’ve been trying many times to move on, and telling myself he’s just another best friend. but somehow i just couldn’t.
needless to say, i just kept this feelings without even told him. everything was fine. until that day.. we went on school’s tour. he kissed my cheek when we was just about taking photos. I was freaking shocked! well, we were at the beach that day, on the sun set. then, we played cards with others. and the loser had to kiss the winner’s cheek. so….. he kissed me and I did too.
several months, he asked me if I wanna be his GF or not. I said no many times, and he kept asking why. then I just jokingly said yes, and really nothing happened between us after that but awkwardness. felt so sad, of course…..
and weeks later, he asked me the same thing again, and I said no, again. haha fool me. and a month after that he went out with a girl. it was really killing me seeing him with her, holding hands…. I really wanna kick that slut for touching him. but there was nothing I can do…
then he broke up, but he didn’t chase me anymore. so, i kept thinking that we should be just best friend. but he still was flirty and funny, I liked him a lot.
now, it’s been 4 months since he broke up. he texts me sometime, but it’s just for urgent. but…. I can’t help it.
I still want him in my life. still putting hopes on him, still wanna make him mine.. this sucks feelings just continue and forcing me.
I’m just stuck between friend-zone and crushing on him.
hope this feelings just could be disappeared.
maybe I’ll tell you how I feel someday. tell you that I’ve write this stupid thing. tell you that you were always being around my mind. someday, whether when we are finally together or when this feelings disappear.
xoxo, wine.
– Friday, April 5th 2013. 3:02 PM

3 thoughts on “complicated love life

  1. Anonymous says:

    Falling in love with your best friend is very common. I understand how you’d want to take it up a notch rather than just coming out and telling him that you love him. Being subtle about things like this is good.

    What I would do is see when his open days are, plan something with just the two of you. I assume that since you guys have been friends for a long time, you probably hang out with other people a lot. So hanging out with just each other would draw some attention to you. Go to a movie with him, or out to eat. And instead of giving off a “just friends” attitude, act a little more serious towards him. Put your hand on his leg. Give him a warm hug. Little things like this really speak for your feelings. He’ll get the hint! Good luck!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi. Good friends, especially boys, are rare to find. And at one point or another in the friendship, someone always falls for the other because that is how things work. As you get older, things change and you find yourself more in love. Telling him is a risk you will have to choose to take. If you do tell him how you feel, this could possibly ruin the friendship. But also remember that the best love is that which involved being best friends too. If I were you, I would take the risk of telling him how you feel because you never know. He could feel the same way and you are simply wasting time with eachother when you could be making out instead! 😉 Good Luck .xx

  3. Anonymous says:

    Tell him you like, you’ve been thinking about him. He prob still has feelings for you. Once you lose a crush, it is always somehow still their. Try it. O and don’t tell ANY FRIENDS thanks just a mistake to do

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